Eyelash Extensions Certification in Idaho

Eyelash extensions are artificial eyelashes that are applied to natural eyelashes to make them appear longer and fuller. It contributes to the beauty of our eyes. With eyelash extensions, women no longer need mascara or eyeliner at all. Eyelash extensions are performed by certified eyelash stylists.

If you live in Idaho, the state of USA and are interested in learning the art of eyelash extensions, then you've come to the right place.


To become a certified eyelash stylist, you must be licensed in cosmetology or cosmetics. You can get a cosmetics license through the Board of Cosmetology in Idaho. The lessons are conducted by cosmetics professionals. Below are the steps for cosmetology license:


You must complete at least 2000 hours of training in the cosmetology school. A detailed list of hours must be included when you submit the application.


Two exams are taken by the National Interstate Council Cosmetics Examination by DL Loope Administrations, Inc.


The duration of this exam is one and a half hours.


This exam assesses practical skills. You must have completed the practical test within three hours. With professional equipment and a dummy head, you are prepared for the exam. You have to achieve at least 75% in both exams to get the license.

You have to submit the registration for a practical exam. Apply within the due date stated on the back. You can also fill out the application online. To do this, you need to download the following forms:

  • ID paper application
  • NIC written candidate information bulletin
  • ID Information Bulletin for Practical Candidates

    After submitting the complete application, you will receive an approval with instructions on the exam schedule. Try to create a schedule for the practical and written exam.


    To apply for a license, you must provide the following documents:

    • birth certificate
    • Transcripts from cosmetology school
    • NIC exam results
    • Recording and details of practical hours
    • Submit fee and application

    After you have fulfilled all the requirements, you will soon get the license. You must renew the license in Idaho after one year.


    After you have received the cosmetics license, you can train as an eyelash stylist. There is a four-day training with two courses. Each course has two training days.

    • Basics of eyelash lengthening
    • Eyelash Extension Certification

    After completing both courses, you can join the Idaho Lash Stylist Directory and hone your skills. You can also sign up for advanced eyelash extension courses and online training.

    Eyelash extensions are an amazing and popular art that you can learn with a little skill and diligence. You can become your own Lash Boss and achieve your eyelash extension goals in Idaho.

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